• Providing Piping Solutions Since 1971

  • (508) 644-2221
  • Emergency Services




Published March 10, 2016


Working at PSI is much more than finishing up a job to earn a paycheck. We operate in terms of fostering mutual respect between all team members leading to long-lasting, trusting and loyal relationships with each other. This lends to forming the same type of relationships with our clients. By providing the best value to our clients we are able to focus on growth: individually, corporately and financially.

Have you ever been in a coffee shop or an establishment where you were serviced by an employee of the company? How does it make you feel when the employee is talking about how busy they are, how mistreated they are by the boss, the things they believe are “wrong” with the company and how miserable their life is? I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel very uncomfortable. In fact, if I am in the preliminary stages of making a purchase, whether it’s large purchase for my home or business, hiring a subcontractor or any other purchase, I really pay attention to the attitude of the person I am dealing with.

Having a bad day does not excuse rude behavior!

When pressed on why people hire PSI the common theme is “they are nice people to do business with”, “they are dependable and trustworthy”, “they are always there when I need them”, “the are responsive to my needs”. Last year, over 50% of our new clients were from referrals from our existing clients.

Customers: More than 60% of our annual revenues over the last five years are comprised of recurring revenue – Customers who have done business with PSI for each of the last five years.

If you find yourself looking for a provider of quality piping installations, whether its steam, water, gas, HVAC, fire protection or plumbing, give us a try. Experienced, Responsible, Trustworthy and Rock Solid. Isn’t that what you look for in a contractor? Our proven track record demonstrates that we the best choice for you when you need to select a Piping Solutions Provider. Join our 100s of clients who consistently hire us over and over. Call us today at 508.644.2221 or drop us an e-mail at psi@PipingSystemsIns.com and find out for yourself why we do what we do.