Published April 19, 2022
While there are many HVAC contractors that are knowledgeable about the systems they are installing, there is one easy way to help you choose the right one for high safety-risk projects. Just ask if the company holds an R Certificate from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. The R Certificate, also referred to as an R Stamp because of the actual stamp (above) symbolizing the certification, means service technicians demonstrated they can safely repair pressure vessels including boilers that operate above 15 PSI. The certification covers difficult field repairs, shop repairs, alterations, and design work.
To receive an R Certificate and its associated R Stamp, a company must outline all of its repair procedures in a written Quality Control System that complies with the (NBIC) National Board Inspection Code. The Quality System must describe the work in detail and explain how it will be controlled, and it must include a system for documenting all repairs and maintaining records on file.
The certified company must also maintain an inspection agreement with an Authorized Inspection Agency. Once the Quality System is submitted to the National Board, technicians must demonstrate their ability to perform the repairs according to strict Board standards. The certificate is awarded only after the Quality System is approved and the demonstration is successfully completed.
Once a company goes through the rigorous certification process and is awarded the Stamp, it will continue to maintain the certificate by submitting to a certification renewal every three years. The commitment required to achieve an R Stamp status is an important distinction that can help you separate a service provider from its competitors, as it demonstrates a clear commitment to quality and safety under the strictest requirements.
The PSI team is uniquely qualified to outperform your requirements. PSI welders and fitters maintain their welding certification by use of a Continuity Log to prove welders have utilized that WPS within 6 months or re-certification is required. Our Fabrication team helps to keep projects on schedule while maintaining the highest quality. And we have a “No B.S. Warranty” to back up our work.
Are we overachievers? Yep; we also hold an S Stamp!